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Coon Rapids offers residents discounted Home Energy Squad visits.
Virtual visits are free, Energy Saver visits are only $35 and Energy Planner visits are $50.

Earn matching bonus rebates for energy efficiency upgrades from Coon Rapids.
Coon Rapids offers matching rebates for multiple energy efficiency upgrades after you have received a rebate from your utility provider. This can help bring down the cost of big-ticket projects that have a positive impact on the efficiency of your home. Take advantage of this offer today!

Take advantage of our free Energy Advisor service.
Energy improvements can be intimidating, so we are here to walk you through it all. Your energy adviser will connect you to the best resources, answer questions, resolve issues and achieve your goals!
We make energy efficiency easy

Coon Rapids Energy Efficiency Rebates
The Home Energy Squad may determine that a larger project could improve the energy efficiency of your home. Or you might have an emergency that requires you to replace an appliance like your furnace or water heater. Coon Rapids residents are eligible for additional rebates to help bring down the cost of big-ticket projects that have a positive impact on the efficiency of your home.
Rebates are available even if you have not yet had a Home Energy Squad visit. Coon Rapids offers matching rebates for the projects listed below after you have received a rebate from your utility provider.

Eligible Energy Efficiency Projects
Buying an energy efficient furnace.
Buying an energy efficient air conditioner or air source heat pump.
Buying an energy efficient water heater.
Air sealing your house.
Insulating your house.
Claim your rebate by following these steps.
Install the appliance or complete the air sealing and insulation project. Work must be completed after January 1, 2022. Project must receive a city permit and pass city inspection.
Apply for and receive a rebate from one of your utility providers (Xcel Energy, Connexus Energy, or CenterPoint Energy).
Apply for a City rebate with this online form. Applications must include proof of having received a utility rebate. City rebate applications must be received by December 31, 2022.
Staff will process your rebate request and get your check in the mail. Maximum rebates for 2022 are $250 for an appliance upgrade and $550 for an air sealing and insulation project, until funds run out. Questions about the Energy Efficiency Rebate? Email the Sustainability Planner.

Ready to get started on your energy efficiency upgrade?