Dec 14, 2017

Humidification Retrofits Deliver Residential Furnace Efficiency


About the webinar

Standard efficiency furnaces are robust, long-lived appliances — but they use 15% more natural gas than the current best available technology, and they are still being installed frequently today. They are seldom replaced by high-efficiency units before the point of failure, which implies hundreds of trillions of BTUs in missed energy savings over the next few decades.

To find a new way to increase the efficiency of standard furnaces, researchers looked at  transport membrane humidifier (TMH) technology, which can retrofit the standard older furnaces to make them as or more efficient than new furnaces. TMHs transfer waste heat and water vapor from flue gases into the building air supply. This improves efficiency and occupant comfort by adding humidity to dry winter air. The study tested TMH technology in four cold-climate sites to assess the lifetime energy savings potential for the state of Minnesota.

This webinar gives a technical overview of the field assessment, measured energy savings, occupant feedback, and evaluation of cost-effectiveness of transport membrane humidifier (TMH) technology. Study findings have the potential to support the development of new utility rebates and program integration and introduce contractors to a new service and value stream. Findings will also inform those looking for cost-effective standards for energy code adoption. 

Learn more about the research on the project page