Crystal Home Improvement Grant

The City of Crystal offers a grant for homeowners to assist with home maintenance and energy improvements.
The guidelines below are subject to change at any time without notice. Grant funds are subject to availability. Email or call for complete details.
Hablamos Español: 612-335-5856
About the Grant
- Income limits apply.
- No monthly payments.
- Maximum of $8,000 per calendar year.
- Minimum project costs of $4,000
Property Eligibility
- 1-4 unit owner-occupied residential properties located in the City of Crystal.
- Individual condo and townhome owners are eligible.
- Properties under construction are not eligible.
- Grant approval is subject to program guidelines.
Grant Details
- 20% of eligible project expenses (40% for eligible sewer line replacement or lining), minimum project costs of $4,000.
- Maximum of $8,000 per calendar year.
- Must be current on mortgage payments and property taxes.
- No closing costs.
- Income limits apply.
- Funds are held in a non-interest bearing escrow account at CEE from loan closing until the work is completed and all final documentation is received.
City of Crystal Income Limits:
Family Size |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8+ |
Income Limit | $78,300 | $99,400 | $111,800 | $124,200 | $134,200 | $144,100 | $154,100 | $164,00 |
*Income is based on household size and the adjusted gross income from the most recent tax return.
- Eligible improvements include most interior or exterior permanent remodeling and upgrades.
- Exception: For projects replacing or lining a sanitary sewer service and/or disconnecting storm water drainage (sump connections, foundation drains, etc.) from the sanitary sewer, the grant amount is 40%.
- For do-it-yourself projects, a materials list including prices is required. The cost for labor or equipment purchase or rental may not be included in the loan.
- 2 bids are required from a properly licensed contractor or registered with the MN Department of Labor.
The current loan terms and conditions stated, including interest rates, do not constitute a commitment to lend or an offer to enter into an agreement, and that such an offer may only be made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 47.206(3) and (4).
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